Have you ever come across the topic of Human Resources in India on the Newspaper or News channel and wondered what is it or how important it is for our country’s development?
If yes, then this article will give you fruitful insights on the topic, and
If no, then Congratulations! this article will amaze you with the role of Human resources in the overall development of India.
Introducing Human Resource
In the whole cosmos, there is an abundance of nature and natural resources where in which only 1% population is contributed to the total cosmos.
People in the entire world has established ‘n’ numbers of institutes like technical engineering agriculture, arts, management, commerce, societies, aviation etc.
But surprisingly there is no institute called ‘Human Resource/Entrepreneurship in the whole globe.
What Is Human Resource exactly?
This is the definition, which you’ll get on finding Human Resource on Google.
Human resources (HR) is the division of a business that is charged with finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering employee-benefit programs.
Which is the Classical definition concerning the business world.
And the absence of a fundamental definition of Human resources at the ground level on the internet is the reason why this topic needs to be discussed in-depth.
Also, if we think deep then another question arises and that is Why Humans are called Resources?
It’s because physiologically, a human being is the most evolved creature on the planet.
Meaning, it has the most complex neurological/nervous system and it has the highest level of brain capacity in terms of observation, analysis, memory, thinking and imagination.
Only humans are referred to as ‘beings’ on the planet meaning – they know how to be.
So, we can say that Human beings are termed as a resource because we the human beings ourselves are essential components of resources.
We transform materials in the environment into resources and use them.
And setting up a dedicated system to hone the skills of Human beings as Human resources to give them socio-economic stability is what today’s need of our country.
Entrepreneurial Scope of Human Resource in India
Following are a couple of facts and figures to highlight the entrepreneurial scope of Human resources in India:
- India is a country where 70% of its rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood with 82% farmers being small and marginal (Source: statista.com Agriculture in India statistics & facts).
Moreover, agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population. (Source: www.ibef.org ).
- India is the only country throughout the world that has the largest diversity in the agricultural sector.
- In the FY 2020-21, the share of agriculture & its allied sector like forestry, fisheries contributed 20% of the GDP first time in the last 17 years (https://www.downtoearth.org.in ) despite adversities of COVID-19 including lockdown. (pib.gov.in).
So, considering the above data, if we see the scenario of all the sectors in adversities or pandemic situations, agriculture & its allied sectors are proved to be one of the most sustainable & promising sectors in the years to come.
It is anticipated that in the coming decades, human resources In India with the agriculture sector is going to be the upcoming most sustainable & promising sector in enhancing the GDP of the country.
Problems in Uplifting Humans Resource in India
Although Human Resource in India has the potential to bring 360-degree change in the development of our country, several roadblocks are stopping the way.
The most prominent obstacles of all of them are as follows:
Destructive Urbanization from Deforestation
India is the only country throughout the world that has the highest number of medicinal and aromatic plants but due to urbanization & deforestation, 90% of the species are getting listed under rare, endangered & threatened species.
This is not only accelerating environmental hazards but also causing serious damage to the food cycle and food web of our country as thousand of species important for vegetation, pollination and many other phenomena important for human’s survival are losing their existence.
High Poverty Rate in India
The poverty rate of India in 2021 is expected to rise roughly 381-418 million, with a total headcount ratio reaching 50.9-55.89% in 2021-22.
(Source: www.thewire.in & https://indianexpress.com )
To reduce this rate, the government is executing multiple schemes like providing ration cards, health benefits under Ayushman Bharat, subsidies for the agriculture sector etc.
However, they are either not reaching the actual needy or not giving them a proper way to stabilize their socioeconomic status.
Lack of Personalization & Proper Monetary System in Government Policies & Schemes
Have you ever wondered that despite having so many government schemes and a group of people working, the socio-economic status of citizens is not stabilizing?
Well, the schemes are not the problem, it’s the lack of demographic and geographical compatibility of the schemes which don’t align with the citizens is the problem and because of this, they lose their interest in the work at last.
Also, the Government only provides financial aid without any additional facilities to the citizens as a result of which, the citizens end up spending the money lavishly or for their comfort instead of investing it for their future.
This happens because of the lack of financial education among the citizens.
What Can be done to foster Human Resources in India?
Although the roadblocks are hard to tackle in this case, it doesn’t mean, nothing can be done to solve the problems.
Following are the actions that can be taken to foster Human Resources in India.
Formulating & Revising Government Policies having Human Resource with Demography and Geography of citizens as Main Focus
Now it’s time to have better insights about the demography and geography of the area in consideration while forming the policies for the BPL sector by the government.
The government needs to give maximum focus on human resources.
Government should evaluate the strength of every agro-climatic zone and villages coming under the respective agro-climatic zone.
With this into consideration, the citizens will have ease in adopting the schemes as they will be close to the lifestyle, culture and tradition of their society and community.
This way protecting the culture of a particular place and strengthening the socioeconomic status of the citizens can go hand-in-hand.
Skill Evaluation from Grassroot level for better training provision
At the village level, gram panchayat officials should evaluate the skills of all men and women of that specific village and should allot them the particular work of their skill set which will assure the sustainability of the particular product/produce for the governed e.g.: forestry, honey, medicinal plants, wood, agriculture produce, cotton, silk, jute, bamboo, tea, coffee, aromatic products, biofuels, mining etc.
In a nutshell, target-oriented work should be to the specific group of villagers.
Provision of Monetary Benefits on Developing, Selling & Preserving the Products With financial Education
In turn to the training provision, Government should think of allotting a small house, healthcare, system, education (free or minor charges) for their children and ration instead of cash transfer, subsidies etc.
Along with them, there should be a scheme to provide financial education to the citizens including, knowledge of assets, liabilities, good investing and financial security options.
All these together will directly assure the security of basic needs of an individual & its family and in long run, India will get a very sustainable growing sector.
Moreover, with a better socioeconomic status, the citizens will work more dedicatedly to develop sustainable, forest, agriculture & environment-based products thereby protecting traditional knowledge of veterans of communities transferring it from generation to generation.
All these will lead to a better Environment, Forests, Wildlife and thereby a Healthier, Cleaner and Greener India.
How can we as Individuals play our part in Uplifting Human Resources in India?
You might be thinking that this work depends only on the Government and the beneficiaries and we cannot do anything for its upliftment.
If this is in your mind, then, my friend, I am happy to prove you wrong and share with you the actions that you can take to Uplift Human Resources in India:
Remember the initial time of COVID-19, when our Honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi has appealed to every citizen to promote the concept of #VocalForLocal?
Well, the reason why I am stating it here is that it is the most effective step you can take to empower the Human Resource in India.
Whenever, you notice that you need any products for any purpose, always try to go for Made in Local products.
This will help you to empower the socio-economic status of the Human Resource who has made that product and will ultimately connect you strongly with your community and culture.
Use social media to Accelerate the Upliftment of Human Resources In India
Now, whenever you come across a good Made in Local or Made in India Product then don’t just use it for yourself.
Share the product on social media and share your experience with the products.
You can also, help the makers in developing the online presence of their products on social media so that they can reach out to a bigger audience.
This way you can contribute your efforts in empowering Human Resources in India.
This sector if worked & executed properly will definitely make India from a developing country to a developed country.
Moreover, it will play a very giant role in dramatically enhancing the GDP of the country and retaining its most rich and diversified heritage of the country.
These actions when taken together will bring an end to India’s Heritage from getting snatched by the clutches of urbanization and losing its cultural, traditional and historical identity.
Now, it’s the need of the hour to focus on ‘Human Resources’, especially in India.
This marks the end of the article on empowering India’s development by uplifting the Human Resource in India.
I would love to hear your thoughts about the article in the comment section below.
Also, if you think that I have missed explaining any aspect or angle of the topic also mention that in the comment section.
I’ll be happy to interact with you there.
Thank you very much for reading.